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Man who died of lung cancer says moral of story: "don't be an idiot"
Posted 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
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Geoffrey Turner, 66 year-old man from Latham, New York died on Februrary 13. He used his obituary to warn other to not smoke, or quit if they are:

"I was an idiot who made the same stupid decision, day-after-day, multiple times per day. I was a smoker and even though I knew it may eventually kill me, I chose to deny the truth to myself. The pain and suffering I caused my family was not worth the perceived "satisfaction" that really did nothing more than waste money, separate me from my family, and eventually destroyed my body. I did many good things, helped lots of people, and even made a decent living. At 66 years old, I lived a decent life, but there are so many events and milestones I will not be able to share with my loved ones. The moral of this story - don't be an idiot. If you're a smoker - quit - now - your life depends on it and those that you love depend upon your life....Remember, life is good - don't let it go up in smoke."
(via timesunion)

Turner's daughter. Sarah Huiest, tells Today of the response from the public:

"I heard from someone who said that they may be one of those reached before it’s too late. And I have seen hundreds of times that it has been shared in the hopes of compelling someone to quit."

Share if you know someone who smokes. Maybe it will be the story that helps get the ball rolling into quitting smoking.

More on "Today", "Man who died of lung cancer wrote his own obit begging others not to smoke"


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