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Claire's recalls children's makeup after mom finds asbestos in 6-year-old's kit
Posted 7 years ago
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Claire's, a store that sells accessories and makeup targeting young girls and teens, has recalled 17 makeup kits and pulled them off the shelves because they were found to contain asbestos.  The investigation was started by Barrington, Rhode Island mom Kristi Warner testing her 6-year-old daughter's makeup kit via an independent lab and getting the alarming news:

"I physically sank,” said Warner. “I ended up sitting on the ground, just trying to wrap my head around how something like that could end up in our home.”

Warner had been concerned about the ingredients in her 6-year-old daughter Mackenzie's glitter makeup kit, purchased at Claire's inside Providence Place. The Barrington mom, who works for Deaton Law Firm in East Providence, mailed the makeup to an independent lab in North Carolina.

“In the work that we do, we've come across contaminated cosmetics, but you just assume that a children's product would be safe,” said Warner.

Warner said Mackenzie's makeup wasn't.

Test results revealed tremolite asbestos, which is a toxic, cancer-causing material.

Exposure to asbestos has been linked to mesothelioma. It is 100 percent fatal.

“Her response was, ‘Am I going to die?” said Warner. “There's no right answer to that because I don't want to lie to her.”

Warner and her boss John Deaton purchased 17 more Claire's makeup products from 9 different states and the results were very alarming:

Sean Fitzgerald of Scientific Analytical Institute, the scientist who conducted the tests, told NBC 10 he was shocked by how pervasive the results were. He found tremolite asbestos in every single product.

“The fact that the majority of the products came from the store shelves in the last two weeks means that there are other children being exposed,” said Warner.
(via "Consumer Advocate: Claire's pulls children's makeup after family finds asbestos")

Claire's response:

"As a result of today's inquiry from WJAR-TV, we have taken the precautionary measure of pulling the items in question from sale, and will be conducting an immediate investigation into the alleged issues," the statement noted.

A list of the recalled Claire's makeup products can be found here.

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