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Trick-or-treater finds blade in Halloween candy
Posted 7 years ago
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Beaverton, Oregon: Trick-or-treating near NW Cornelius Pass Road and NW Quatama Road, KRON4 reports a 13-year-old girl found a blade inside a Twix bar after getting home.

“We’ve always lived in a safe neighborhood, so it was very scary,” Tiffany, the girl’s mother said. “I had a hard time sleeping last night because of it.”

The blade appeared to have possibly come from a pencil sharpener. It’s unknown if the wrapper was completely sealed before the girl touched it.


“I just want other parents to know, to be aware. I don’t know if it was a manufacturer mistake or if somebody had embedded it in there — either way, you have to check your kids’ candy,” Tiffany said.

Officials caution parents to inspect candy closely.
(via KRON4, "Trick-or-treater finds blade in Halloween candy")

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