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PET scans: healthy brain (top), Alzheimer's (bottom) - Red areas indicate tau deposits.
One single night of interrupted sleep increases brain proteins which are believed to cause Alzheimer's disease, researches reported in a study published in the journal Brain Monday.  Sleep helps the body clear away these compounds, amyloid and tau, while interrupting sleep may lead to a compound build-up."When people had their slow-wave sleep disrupted, their amyloid levels increased by...[ Read More... ]
X-ray shows battery stuck in toddler's esophagus
An x-ray provided the problem and solution easily, but the path to it was not so easy, and could have had tragic results had it not been for the persistence 2-year-old Katie Smith's parents:"We thought she was choking on a cracker at first, but my husband checked her airways and she was breathing fine," [Christina] Smith told ABC News today. "But she was gagging, drooling and holding her saliva,...[ Read More... ]
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