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Brown recluse spider bite
Man suffers near-death experience after spider bite from brown recluse
Posted 7 years ago
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wildcherry Profile Picture
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Nebraska: Kelly Leisure was bit by a brown recluse spider hiding in his hoodie from his closet.  He fel sick when he got home later that day and then spent the next 5 days in bed before finally going to the hospital.

“If I would have been in that room for another 24 hours, I would have been gone,” Kelly said.

When Kelly got to the hospital, doctors rushed him into surgery.

Video shows the massive bandage covering a good portion of Kelly’s back after the surgery.

Even days after the operation, the open wound is still at least six inches long.

Kelly still has to have fluids pumped from his back, and the dressing changed every other day.

(via KRON4, "VIDEO: Man suffers near-death experience after spider bite from brown recluse")

The brown recluse spider venom causes tissue necrosis.  They prefer to stay hidden in dark places.  If you get bit by one, you need to get help right away.

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Russellyi Profile Picture
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January 24, 2019
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There are various incidents where a spider bite has been proven as a life threat. These spiders can be found in a corner of the houses, at the workplace. Humans frequently interact with spiders due to their presence in the surrounding. The best way is to avail pest control facility and kill these pests in the surrounding. Exterminator Fairfield CT ( is one of the best pest control service providers providing commercial as well as resdentail pest control services.

BenjaminAckerman Profile Picture
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November 2, 2018
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Spiders are predatory insects and will paralyze or kill insects with their venom. They can also hide in many places where you will never think about searching for them and then appear when it's time to hunt.


To avoid these situations, it can be very difficult to get rid of spiders. The best method is calling a professional Nassau pest control to completely spray your home.

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