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Family of Madison Coe, 14, authorized the release of her last image sent via text message before accidentally being electrocuted
Girl accidently electrocuted in bathtub, frayed extension cord charging phone
Posted 7 years ago
Updated 7 years ago
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Madison Coe, 14, was accidentally electrocuted while in the bathtub and using her smartphone, connected to the charger, and a frayed extension cord.  Her family has authorized the release of her text message sent to her friend before the accident, showing a picture of her phone charger plugged into an extension cord, on a towel, with the caption "When you use and [sic] extension cord so you can plug your phone in while you're in the bath".

Lovingron, New Mexico police statement:

The Lovington Police Department has completed the investigation of the accidental electrocution of a 14-year-old female which occurred in the city of Lovington on Sunday, July 9, 2017.

As previously disclosed, the Office of the Medical Investigator has issued a preliminary cause and manner of death as an accidental electrocution. Additional investigation was conducted by the Criminal Investigations Division of the Lovington Police Department and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The child had been using her Samsung S6 Edge cellular telephone while taking a bath. Evidence shows she had plugged this cellular telephone into a phone charger cord, which was plugged into an extension cord which was plugged into a non-GFCI, non-grounded bathroom wall outlet.

Specific evidence shows that the cellular telephone was never immersed in the water. While the child took precautions to keep the connection of the cords dry, it is believed she was not aware of a significant area of fraying to the extension cord. Forensic evidence indicated that she came in contact with this area of the frayed extension cord while she was still in the bathtub which contained water at the time, resulting in her electrocution.

Besides the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission assisting in this investigation, Underwriter’s Laboratories in Chicago, Illinois was also consulted. The investigation was reviewed by the New Mexico Fifth Judicial District Attorney’s Office.”

(via "Police release text from girl electrocuted in bathtub", Kron 4 Nrews)

A hard lesson and reminder to not charge your phone or use other electronics while immersed in water, and wet.

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