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Cell phone safety
UC Berkeley researcher: Cell phone radiation linked to increased risk of brain cancer
Posted 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
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If you use your cell phone for 17 minutes a day for 10 years, it is associated with a 60% increase in brain tumor risk accroding to reasearch by Joel Moskowitz, director of the UC Berkeley Center for Family and Community Health.

Moskowitz published his study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, showing that cell phone radiation can increase the risk of cancer and nonmalignant tumors, neurological disorders and diseases and reproductive harm.

Wifi radiation also increases these risks.

Cell tower radiation can also cause neurological disorders, including headaches, fatigue, memory and sleep problems, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Moskowitz advises to reduce your radiation risks to your health:

“First, minimize your use of cellphones or cordless phones — use a landline whenever possible,” ... “If you do use a cellphone, turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth if you’re not using them.”

You should keep devices at least 10 inches away from your body and head. When not in use, devices should be stored in a bag vs in your back pocket. If you need to keep your phone in your back pocket, Moskowitz advises to keep it on airplane mode.

Cell phone emit more radiationwhen the signal is weak, so Moskowitz recommends only using the phone when you have a strong signal.

“Cellphones are programmed to increase radiation when the signal is poor, that is when one or two bars are displayed on your phone,” ... “For example, don’t use your phone in an elevator or in a car, as metal structures interfere with the signal.”

Moskowitz says there is a lack of funding for research on wireless radiation effects in the United States, but it is essential that the government and private sector to protect the public and the environment by promoting wired technology. Wildlife, including pollinators, can be negatively affected by wireless radiation.

Wired technology is not just safer than wireless, but it also more secure and consumes less energy.

Moskowitz, in his 12th year of research on the health effects of wireless radiation, is working with other scientists and physicians to push for biologically-based radio frequency exposure limits to protect all species.

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