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Man who died of lung cancer says moral of story: "don't be an idiot"
Geoffrey Turner, 66 year-old man from Latham, New York died on Februrary 13. He used his obituary to warn other to not smoke, or quit if they are:"I was an idiot who made the same stupid decision, day-after-day, multiple times per day. I was a smoker and even though I knew it may eventually kill me, I chose to deny the truth to myself. The pain and suffering I caused my family was not worth the...[ Read More... ]
Malachi Love-Robinson
A good reminder to check your doctor out online first, thoroughly - reviews, eductiona, law suits, etc.  18 year old Malachi Love-Robinson was arrested on Tuesday afternoon for posing as a medical doctor, practicing medicine without a license.  Unlike Leonardi DiCaprio in the movie "Catch Me If you Can", based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., Love-Robinson was the head...[ Read More... ]
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