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(Gentle Care Animal Hospital/Facebook)
Veterinarian removes 21 pacifiers from family dog's stomach
Posted 7 years ago
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The case of the missing pacifiers was solved when the baby's grandmother saw the family dog, Dovey, swipe one off the counter.  The Oklahoma family took Dovey to the veterinarian's office and x-rays showed the missing pacifiers.  Dovey had slowerd her eating and was vomiting for a few days.  Initially the vet thought there were seven to nine pacifiers in Dovey's stomach, but the surgery to remove the pacifiers brought the total to 21 pacifiers.  Dovey is feeling better now and is back home.

The vet posted on Facebook, ""dogs will eat anything, anytime and at any age." (via Gentle Care Animal Hospital)

(via ABC, "Veterinarian removes 21 pacifiers from dog's stomach")

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